4-7-8 breathing

4 seconds: inhale slowly and deeply, down into your belly.

7 seconds: hold your breath.

8 seconds: exhale slowly and gently. Think of blowing bubbles through a wand. The most bubbles are created with a long, slow breath.

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

How it works. 4-7-8 breathing creates pressure in your lungs, which stimulates your vagus nerve in your core, which activates a relaxation response in your nervous system.

What it achieves. When we get flooded, 4-7-8 breathing immediately reduces our anger and anxiety. It restores high-level functioning in your brain. And it fights inflammation.

How many times? It depends. Two or three times should be enough. Stop if you feel light headed!

4-7-8 breathing is so easy and effective. It’s often the first thing I go over with clients in therapy.

See Christopher Bergland’s article for more details.


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